This Information has been drawn up pursuant to Article 13 of the General Regulation no. 679/2016 - GDPR in full compliance with the rules on the protection of personal data, to help you understand how your personal data are processed as company contact for registration and registration in the section of the site Notice Board of the site Albo Circular di Confindustria Emilia Area Centro (hereinafter also Albo Circular).


As a company contact, your personal data (name and surname), contact details (telephone, e-mail) and company to which you belong are processed for the following purposes:
1. registration in the Notice Board section of the Albo Circular site of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro of the company you represent and the organizational management of the data processed by the platform;
2. the communication of information of a promotional nature of the activities promoted by the site (marketing and associative development purposes);
3. the communication of personal contact data to other companies registered on the site to identify suppliers of recycling / reuse services of their processing waste, suppliers of secondary raw materials or to search for customers to which they can resell their processing scraps or their waste as by-products on the basis of your express consent. The legal bases for these purposes are respectively constituted:
1. from the legitimate interest pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 1 letter. f) for companies that are not associated with Confindustria Emilia or from the execution of the contract pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 1 letter. b) of EU Reg. no. 679/2016 for companies associated with Confindustria Emilia for the organizational management of the data processed by the platform for registration and registration in the section of the site indicated above;
2. from the consent pursuant to art. 6 paragraph 1 letter. a) for the organizational management of the data processed by the platform, the communication of information of a promotional nature of the activities promoted by the site (marketing and associative development purposes)
3. from the consent for the communication of the company's personal contact data to other companies registered in the section of the site Notice Board of the Albo Circular site of Confindustria Emilia both associated and not associated with Confindustria Emilia (communication of companies registered on the Albo Circular website).
In order to make our services more efficient, following the event you attended, you may be sent an email with some questions related to "Customer Satisfaction", to request the level of satisfaction of the same.


Your personal data will be processed: - in paper form and on computer / digital support by completing the online form on the Confindustria Emilia Area Centro website, or via the social channel dedicated to the Association accessible only through credentials provided by the Data Controller; - by subjects duly instructed and appointed by the Data Controller to perform these tasks and made aware of the constraints imposed by law; - with the use of security measures to ensure the protection of your privacy and to avoid the risks of loss or destruction, unauthorized access, processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the aforementioned purposes. A your refusal to do so would not make it possible to register for the organized event.


For the aforementioned purposes, the following personal data will be processed, by way of example: personal data, contact details and company.


Your personal data will be stored in our databases for the purpose of organizational management of registration on the site and subsequent sending of documentation related to the event in which you participate for 12 months; your personal data will be stored in our databases in relation to both the marketing purposes and the communication of personal contact data to other companies registered on the site, both associated and not associated with Confindustria Emilia Center area for 12 months.

We also inform you that, pursuant to art. 5 and 89, co. 1, of the Regulation, your personal data may be stored for longer periods of time than specified in the previous paragraph for statistical purposes only, without prejudice to the implementation of adequate technical and organizational measures required by law to protect your rights and freedoms.


For the pursuit of the aforementioned purposes, the personal data provided may be processed by the staff of Confindustria Emilia Area Centro who have been assigned a specific role as data processor and to whom they have been given appropriate instructions and are committed to confidentiality.

Your data may be processed by third-party companies as regards the management and storage of the personal data of the members (management CRM relating to the activities carried out for the members). To request information on the matter the Data Processors can send an email to the following email address: Your personal data will in no way be disclosed to third parties or disseminated.


We inform you that, in relation to the aforementioned treatments, you will be able to exercise the rights provided for by art. 15 and ss. of the Regulation. In particular, you have the right to obtain:
• Access: you can ask for confirmation as to whether or not the data concerning you is being processed, as well as further clarifications about the information referred to in this statement;
• Rectification: you can ask to rectify or supplement the data you have provided us, if inaccurate or incomplete;
• Cancellation: you can request that your data be deleted, if they are no longer necessary for our purposes, in case of revocation of consent or your opposition to processing, in case of unlawful processing, or a legal obligation to cancel or refer to persons under the age of sixteen;
• The limitation: you can request that your data be processed only for the purpose of conservation, with the exclusion of other treatments, in the event of a dispute as to the accuracy of your data and for the period necessary to verify the their accuracy; in case of unlawful processing for which you oppose the cancellation, if you have to exercise your rights in court and the data stored by us may be useful and, finally, in case of opposition to the processing and a verification is underway on the prevalence of our legitimate reasons with respect to yours
• Opposition: you can oppose the processing of your data at any time, unless there are legitimate reasons for us to proceed with the processing that prevail over yours, for example for the exercise or our defense in court;
• Portability: you can ask to receive your data, or to have them transmitted to another owner indicated by you, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device.
Revocation: you can revoke your consent without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation.

Interested parties may exercise their rights by contacting the DPO at the following email address: ". Finally, we inform you that if you believe that your rights have been violated by the Data Controller and / or by a third, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data and / or other competent supervisory authority pursuant to the Regulation.


The Data Controller of your personal data is Confindustria Emilia Area Centro with registered office in Via S. Domenico n. 4 - Bologna. The contact data of the Confindustria DPO is: